Saturday, October 14, 2006

SMALL YMCA Family Run in the Park

Today seemed pretty cold, but it didn't stop the Hood-Deshons from going to Scarborough and running in the park. Of course we forgot the camera so here is a shot of mummy with her medal in the driveway once home.

Before the 5km race (which I'm pretty sure wasn't 5km) mummy read her Running Room magazine and saw Aunt Malindi selling some cold flu fx stuff - very cool :) It was like she was cheering us on from Calgary!

Mummy chased another Chariot Cheetah stroller for the whole race but the GRANDAD beat her pretty easily. I fell asleep just after half way and so I'm not sure where she lost him. I did wake up in time for her to get a second placed woman's medal and a $20 running room gift certficate (which was the cost of entry). Small races are geat for prizes. Daddy ran too and came 5th - we aren't posting our times on purpose :)

I wonder if mummy will run the chili half marathon without me this March?


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