Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Kidney Reflux: Grade One

Kidney reflux is graded into five categories according to severity, with one being the least severe and five being the most severe. Henry only has Grade 1 Kidney Reflux.

What is Kidney Reflux
Each kidney has a tube called a ureter. Urine leaves the kidneys via the ureters and enters the bladder for temporary storage. There is a valve at the meeting point between each ureter and the bladder to prevent the backflow of urine into the kidneys. Kidney reflux means that one (or both) of these valves is not working properly. During urination, the urine travels (refluxes) up the affected ureter to the kidney instead of flowing out of the body. This increases the likelihood of infections and other problems.

He will require one daily dose of antibiotics until the valves hopefully correct/grow themselves. He will go for another VCUG in Feb/March to find out is there has been any progress. The doctor changed the antibiotic and we had to go to Sick Kids to get it!!! Since Shoppers doesn't carry it we are not risking losing it by packing it in out luggage tomorrow, it is going carry-on - that should be fun!! With any luck this antibiotic won't taste as bad and Henry and I can stop fighting in the mornings:)


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