Friday, August 04, 2006

Addicted to my soother

It was a great weekend of camping and music at the Hillside Festival at Guelph Lake, unfortunately Henry got extremely sick at the end of the weekend. As new parents we weren't sure if we could distinguish between Henry's cries but it soon became extremely obvious that his cry on Sunday night was one of distress. So we ended up at Sick Kids Hospital and he had a fever of 39.9, enough for us to get immediate attention.

He was diagnosed with a Urinary Tract Infection and spent a few days in the hospital (some at Sick Kids, some at St. Joseph's). He was poked and prodded - not very nice for any of us - and when trying to take blood the nurse asked, "does mummy have a soother?" the soother was immediately Henry's new best friend!!! Before going in he was really enjoying sucking his thumb, now he is lost without his soother (see photos).

Now we wait and see if the UTI was just bad luck or if it was caused by something called Kidney Reflux which would require further treatment. He has to be fed antiboitics until we find out which will be on the 15th of August...just in time to head to Nationals in Halifax.

Henry is very happy to be home and mum and dad are very happy to have him home again!


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