Saturday, January 29, 2011

Surgery - all ok

Is it me or is this the first set of photos where it looks like there is nothing wrong with Henry's eye? Oh well we are going for the "wandering eye" surgery anyway.
This was minutes before the traumatic anesthetic.

The purple lips are from the third popsicle. He had to have the purple one so when he threw up in the car on the way home it was all purple! He was not happy about not being allowed to rub his eye when he woke up. Eventually the pain meds kicked in and he was okay to go home before dinner.
Despite expecting balance and vision issues Henry hopped through the kitchen and rode his tricycle to the mailbox on the night of the surgery. We had to mail the letter to the sleep fairy (with thanks to cousin Mia for telling us about the sleep fairy). If you go to bed and stay in bed for 10 days in a row the sleep fairy will bring you something like a plastic snake, as long as you write the sleep fairy a letter.


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