Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I'm a big boy now.

The new big boy bed.
On Thursday, Henry realized he could get out of his crib but unfortunately the stores were closed so we had a bad night of sleeping in mummy and daddy's bed, followed by an IKEA outting and another bad night of sleeping in daddy's bad. On night three Henry fell asleep on the couch at 7pm for the babysitter and he slept through the night in his new bed. All day Sunday was spent getting to know the big boy bed and SUCCESS on Sunday night of sleeping in his own bed!!!!! Monday was a success too.


Henry is also excited to wear big boy underpants, we have only scratched the surface of potty-training and so it means a lot of changing of clothes but at least he is interested in sitting on the potty and not wanting to wear nappies.


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