Saturday, February 10, 2007

Running set-backs

It turns out the Chilly Half Marathon is already full. I need 186 people to drop out to make it in, but the race director thinks I have a good chance. I was thinking I could up my training and try and run Around the Bay (30km), however Henry and I got hit-up-side-the-head with the flu bug this week and we've taken a few days off from food and running so now I'm not interested in an extra 9 km:)

Henry puked ALL over me on Wednesday and I was equally as sick Thursday night and because I couldn't get out of bed on Friday Giles had to stay home and look after Henry on Friday.

Oh well. Graham, I will be emailing you for advice for how to make up for sick days in running and we are all just happy to be standing again for tonight!!


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